Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

17 | Words We Never Thought We’d Say: Similarities Between Affairs, Addictions, Recovery, and Healing


Grab your favorite (non-alcoholic) drink- I can't wait for you to meet my friend Ashley! She is a Sober Coach for people trying to break unhealthy drinking patterns, and she has a similar passion like me for helping women find true freedom in their life!

What drew me to Ashley when we first met, was that we used similar language: addiction, shame, labels, recovery, freedom. But while I talk about the affair addiction, she talks about it with substances. What a beautiful community that understands the need to put God first and find healing!

In today's conversation, we talk about: True freedom from the issue and not "willing" it away. The role your brain plays when your body is doing "new" things. Your identity and how the words you use to label yourself can empower you or keep you stuck.

Pull a chair up to the table- let's dig in!

I pray you experience the love of Christ today!

Connect with Ashley:

Instagram: @ashley.sobercoach
Bio: www.holyhopecoaching.com

Next steps:
NEW community! www.facebook.com/groups/intimacyafterinfidelity
Email me: kristina@kristinajoycoaching.com

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